Making Payments to the Customs & Excise Department

When dealing with Customs you may be asked to pay duties, taxes or fees for goods or services. Please be informed of the following measures regarding acceptable payment methods.

Payments can be accepted in our offices by cash, cheque (only from pre-approved list), debit card, credit card, or Bank Manager Cheques. Payment in the respective offices will be dependent on the services provided there.

Paying with Cash

Saint Lucia uses the Eastern Caribbean dollar and as such payment would be preferred in that currency. However, payment may also be accepted in other foreign currency accepted by the local banks in Saint Lucia.

The rate of foreign currency fluctuates daily and therefore to ensure that the correct amount of duty is collected; Customs will use a buying rate that may differ from that accepted by the Banks on any given day.

Due to local financial laws Customs will not accept cash in excess of EC$10,000.00 for payment of duties.

Paying by Cheque

Please take note of the following when paying by cheque:

  • Cheques are only accepted from pre-approved persons and companies.
  • Payment must be made in Eastern Caribbean Dollars.
  • Cheques must be made payable to the Accountant General.
  • Cheques must be made out in the exact amount. (as no change will be given)
  • The date on which the duty is being paid should also be that on the cheque.
  • All cheques must be signed.
  • Cheques should be drawn on a local bank.
  • Only duly signed local bank manager's cheques will be accepted.


Debit and Credit Cards

Local and foreign debit or credit cards (Master and Visa) will be accepted only if they are accompanied with a valid form identification.
